Thursday, December 19, 2019

Analysis Of Tom Wacaster s Book Galatians - 979 Words

In his book, Studies in Galatians, Tom Wacaster addresses a very vital need: to provide common-level, sound commentaries of the Bible. Books such as this are very beneficial, as they assist an â€Å"average† member of the church to expand their understanding of God’s word. This, as Wacaster stated himself, was his goal in writing this very commentary. â€Å"If [Studies in Galatians] serves to give just one precious soul a better understanding of this wonderful letter†¦then it will have been worth the time spent in preparing and publishing† (3, 4). Wacaster has surely accomplished this worthy objective and more with this valuable book. Wacaster’s book, which is (as the title suggests) centered on Paul’s epistle to the Galatians, is very obviously intended to the common-level, â€Å"average† audience. Wacaster does not delve into complex conversations of textual variants, manuscript discrepancies, and disputations of authorship, nor does he use vocabulary or phraseology that is above the understanding of most individuals. Rather, Wacaster is simple, straightforward, and effective in communicating his points on the wonderful book of Galatians. With many commentaries that are written at a graduate and scholarly level, a more basic approach is much appreciated and needed. Wacaster took a very direct approach in organizing Studies in Galatians. It is setup as a verse-by-verse commentary, with each verse being given in the American Standard Version and then followed by the author’s discussion of

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Peace order in country free essay sample

There are three types of peace orders: Interim peace orders. If you wish to file for a peace order but the district court clerk’s office is closed, you can file for an interim order by going to the nearest District Court commissioner. If the commissioner believes that you have been abused by the person you are filing against and that the abuser is likely to abuse you again in the future, s/he may issue an interim peace order.* An interim peace order goes into effect once the respondent is served by a law enforcement officer.*1 The interim peace order lasts until a judge holds a temporary peace order hearing or until the end of the second business day that the court clerk’s office is open after the interim peace order is issued, whichever comes sooner. If the court is closed on the day on which the interim peace order is due to expire, the interim peace order will be effective until the next day on which the court is open, at which time the court shall hold a temporary peace order hearing. We will write a custom essay sample on Peace order in country or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page *2 The interim peace order has to include the date for the temporary peace order hearing, and a tentative date for the final peace order hearing.*3 Note: Even if you are denied an interim peace order, you can still apply for a temporary or final peace order.*4 Temporary peace orders. When you go to court during normal court hours to file for a final peace order, you can ask for a temporary peace order, which can be issued the same day. If the judge believes that you have been abused by the person you are filing against and that the abuser is likely to abuse you again in the future, s/he may issue a temporary peace order. This order can be issued with or without the abuser present.*5 The order is effective when it is served.*6 The temporary order is in effect for up to 7 days after service of the order unless the court is closed on the day on which the temporary peace order is due to expire. In that case, the temporary peace order shall be effective until the second day on which the court is open, by which time the court should hold a final peace order hearing. However, the judge may extend the temporary order to allow for service of the order or for another good reason, but not to more than 30 days.*7 Note: If the respondent is at the hearing, the judge may go ahead and hold a hearing for a final peace order instead of a temporary one if you and the respondent agree to this.*8 Final peace orders. The respondent has the opportunity to be present at the final peace order hearing. If the judge believes that you have been abused by the person you are filing against and that the abuser is likely to abuse you again in the future, s/he may issue a final peace order, which can last for up to 6 months.*9 As of October 2011, peace orders can be extended.*10 See Can I modify, cancel or extend my peace order? for more information.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Java is the best programming language

I consider Java as the best programming language due to its small language vocabulary, portability and simplicity. Java has a small and regular vocabulary; a programmer can easily master and grasp .Any computer program written in Java can run and execute on any operating system hence compatibility with all operating systems.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Java is the best programming language specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Java was developed and released in 1995, much later after C and C++. As such it tends to solve some of the shortcomings cited in C and C++.For instance, it uses Javadoc, a documenting system that develops a systematic and organized method for documenting codes (Pawlan 1999). It also uses Byte code verifier which enhances correctness and security of the compiled code hence reducing the number of runtime checks. This implies that with the knowledge of Java, one can comfortably take up programm ing tasks in C and C++ or any other language. Java is also purely object oriented, easy to interpret and has high execution performance. This makes it simple and easier to work with. For this reason, Java is sometimes referred to as â€Å"a powerful yet easy to learn and work with language† (Pawlan 1999). Java is the most widely used programming language by web developers for both simple complex programming tasks. Due to its much simplified user platform, most people tend to have a general notion that Java cannot be used to create much complicated web applications due to its simple platform. This is not true since most programmers use Java to write complex programs in a simple way easy that is to follow and interpret. Java was developed to write more complex programs in a simpler language. Even the most complex and sophisticated programs look so simple in Java making it hard to realize their complexity (Lindholm Yellin 1999). It is considered flexible; due to incremental dev elopment in terms of object- oriented features, coupled with Java’s simplicity, it is possible to rapidly develop applications and easily change them at will. This offers much freedom to the programmer to make changes to the program whenever he deems fit to do so. It has the ability to develop robust and secure programs. It is also used to break down and portably distribute some complex programs. These features, together with its simple user platform, have made it find extensive application in programming tasks.Advertising Looking for essay on it? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Java is the best in compilation and execution speed. Initially, most developers avoided using Java in more complex tasks due to its slow speed. Much effort was put in place to improve its speed and as a result, today, Java speed is comparable to C or C++ for equivalent tasks. With this speed, plus its improved performance characteristics, it is the best programming language (Gosling Joy 2005). Consequently, in modern programming, speed does not majorly rely on the language used, but also on the memory card capacity and processor speed. Java therefore, enables a programmer to write codes which compile fast and have few runtime checks using Java than in any other programming language. In this line, Java does not only offer a fast compilation process, but also better programs, with few errors and which can be run on any operating system. Basing on speed, simplicity and the extent of application; Java no doubt, is the best programming language. It is so simple to use, with a user friendly language vocabulary and so fast in compilation these have made it the widely used language in programming. Its improved features regarding the aforementioned aspects make it more preferable than any other programming language. Hence, Java is the best programming language. Works Cited Gosling, James and Joy, Bill .The Java Language Specificat ion. Boston: Addison – Wesley. 2005. Print. Lindholm, Tim and Yellin, Frank.  The Java Virtual Machine Specification. Boston: Addison-Wesley. 1999. Print. Pawlan, Monica. Essentials of the Java Programming Language.1999. New York: McGraw. Print. This essay on Java is the best programming language was written and submitted by user Evan Flynn to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Family and Marriage Therapy

Introduction Diagnosing a problem is one of the most important stages in resolving issues affecting individuals in relationships and the issues facing the family. However, diagnosis does not take place without the application of certain models or theories.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Family and Marriage Therapy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A therapist should employ a certain model or theory in diagnosing a problem affecting an individual in marriage or in a relationship. Theory refers to refined body of knowledge implying that it consists of concepts and ideas that have been applied successfully. In a family and marriage theory, practitioners apply certain theories in conducting their psychotherapy. These theories are very many implying that a therapist should decided on the best theory. In this article, three theories would be discussed in detail. They include solution based theory, structural, and emoti onal based theory. The major postulations of the theories will be discussed and personal view would be given. Solution Focused Theory Solution focused theory is a theory that is based on social constructionist principle. The theory posits that the main aim of the client is to achieve something rather than address all the problems facing him or her. In this regard, the therapist’s major task is to convene the wishes and the interests of the client in a most cost-effective way. The kind of therapy to be offered should not focus on the past at all because the patient is already aware of the past mistakes. The client is concerned with the present issues and the future solutions. The theory notes further that change is constant meaning that it will always be present in an individual’s life. The role of the therapist is to help the client mould a desired future by helping him retain some goals, drop others, and strive to achieve some that would be required to achieve the des ired goals.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The fact that the theory does not focus on the past makes it appealing to many people, including myself. The main aim of an individual is to prevent the past mistakes and focus on the future. The past should not be discussed because it cannot be changed. The client has an opportunity to change the future, but not the past. The theory explains clearly how change is brought about because it suggests that the main objective of the therapist is to advice the client on how to achieve the best results in the future using the experiences of the past. I strongly concur with this statement. For instance, the therapist could advice the parents to forget about the past behavior of their child and focus on how to change the actions and beliefs of the child. The child could not be measured based on the failures, but the family could be advised to provid e the necessary incentives to help the child improve. The child would improve his or her performance in school after being reminded that he or she has ability if only he or she balances schoolwork with other activities. The therapist would advice the parents to encourage the child to be completing his or her homework before attending games or plays. Through this, the family would have prevented conflicts. In this regard, I suggest that therapy should aim at improving the future life of a client meaning that the past does not matter so much, even though it must be used to understand the current problems. In my view, the theory gives the exact aim of therapy because it suggests that the solution should be reached at the end of the therapy. The perception of the theory is that therapy should not be used to describe the past problems of the client because it would only be causing many problems.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Family and Marriage Therapy specifical ly for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is true because I believe that the client might be touched by the past, especially when the past is marred by conflicts and troubles. I also believe that therapy should involve only the concerned client, unlike other practitioners who involve all family members and friends in the therapy. Therefore, others should not be involved, apart from the affected individuals only. For instance, the parent could be involved in case the client in question is their daughter or son. I propose that the client should be asked questions regarding his or her preferred future in a closed-door meeting. In this case, my opinion is that other people should not be involved because the objectives of the client are confidential, including his or her history. Structural Theory Structural theory is one of the theories developed by Salvador Minuchin to explain family and marriage therapy. The theory resolves family problems through ch arting the relationships among family members and family sub-sets. The theory suggests that family conflicts are caused by the dysfunctional social systems (Minuchin, 1974). The family encounters problems mainly because of its failure to adapt to stressors, including extra-family and idiosyncratic stressors. In the family, hierarchy of power is critical to the understanding of the functions of the family. The main aim of the theorist was to formulate a theory that would promote restructuring of the family system based on a healthy line.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The theory has strong techniques that are utilized for intervention whenever the family faces problems. The theory is consistent with my belief because it states that each subsystem has its roles and functions. My opinion is that for a family and marriage to be successful, each subsystem must play its role and function effectively. Previous scholars noted that failure to play roles and these functions honestly would lead to anomy or some state of lawlessness. I strongly agree with this view because the parent must accept the fact that they grew up in a different era as that of their children. In this regard, I propose that parents must allow their children to exercise some freedom, as they grow old. Children on their part must understand their role in the family play without failure. Munchin believed that change could not occur unless some structures are tailored, which involve permitting some elasticity. I also believe that change would be ensured through manipulation of the proces s, including excluding some members from the therapy. The excluded members could be allowed to view the proceedings in a mirror (Minuchin, Fishman, 2004). Through this, the family would realize the effect of dysfunctional subsystem and would definitely be open to change through restructuring. Since therapy is meant to resolve the current and future problems, I agree that the theory is well placed to explain how therapists should carry out their diagnosis. The therapist should always be in control according to theory, which should not always be the case. Each person should be involved in making critical decisions hence the therapist should listen to the views of clients before moving in to suggest a possible decision. If allowed to make all major decisions, the therapist might be influenced by his or her own beliefs to give a wrong diagnosis or even verdict. The theory suggests that all available members must be allowed to give their views, but the final verdict rests with the thera pist. Indeed, this is also my opinion since the family functions as a single unit meaning that each person should be requested to give his or her view as regards to how the problem affects his or her ordinary life. The process is controlled because some participants could be biased. Finally, the concerned individual is then addressed last. Emotional Focused Theory Emotional focused theory was developed from attachment theory. It entails some elements of experiential and personal centered theories. The theory suggest that emotions have an adaptive potential, which means that they could be used to bring about change in an individual’s life. Emotions can be manipulated to bring about desired behavior in a client’s life. The main problem in human life is the control of emotions because people fail to control themselves leading to serious problems that might sometimes be unsolvable. Emotions are related the needs that an individual values in his or her life. They force peop le to act in a way that would dangerous to themselves, as well as other individuals (Greenberg, Johnson, 1988). Emotion focused theory is employed in scenarios where the client is unable to manage his or her emotions. The main aim of the therapist is to help the client identify the effects of his emotions in decision-making process. The idea that people’s decision-making mechanisms are influenced by their emotions is a valid statement. I subscribe to the provisions of this theory mainly because of this fact. People sometimes overreact only because of their emotional state. They would cause harm to other people since they are in bad emotional states. The main role of the therapist would be to understand the causes of mood swing and advice the client to keep off from those conditions that change his or her mood. The therapist would have resolved the main issues affecting the client by helping him or her adjust accordingly. Many people would enjoy their interactions and relatio nships in families and marriage if they were able to control their moods. Therefore, change would be inevitable if people are helped to control their emotions (Johnson, 2002). I propose that the therapy should be interactive meaning that the client should give his or her side of the story while the therapist uses some of the established theories and professional experience to offer advice. This should be the nature of interaction between the therapist and the client. The theory suggests that the therapist should offer assistance based on the information provided by the client, which is also a valid approach according to my view. In emotional focus theory, all the affected should be consulted before giving the final verdict. This is because each person in the family is affected by the actions and behavior of the patient. Questions Solution Focused Theory Does the client get involved in reaching the desired solution Could the solution resolve the issue What could be the implication o f the decision What about other people that is, does the solution affect other family members In which way doe the solution provided affect other members of the family Has the solution provided ever worked in other patients with similar problems How different are the current objectives from the suggested objectives Structural Theory Does the affected individual play his or her role in society What is actually the role or the function of the patient in the family or marriage Does the subsystem cease functioning after the patient stops playing his or her role What is the perception of other family members towards the patient, are they willing to welcome him or her in the family once he or she plays the role Are other family members willing to readjust their views and positions to accommodate the new changes How does the family play its role, does it base its role playing on the traditional and modern society Emotional Focus Theory Do emotions affect the performance of the client a t the work place What are some of the effects of the emotion towards role playing in the family setup Is the emotion related to other activities such as drug abuse For how long has the patient showed the symptoms of negative attitude Does the patient relate well with his or her peers Are the emotions related to other psychological disorders, such as stress and depression References Greenberg, L.S., Johnson, S.M. (1988). Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples. New York: Guilford Press. Johnson, S.M. (2002). Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy with Trauma Survivors: Strengthening Attachment Bonds. New York: Guilford Press. Minuchin, S. (1974). Families and Family Therapy. Harvard: Harvard University Press. Minuchin, S., Fishman, H. C. (2004). Family Therapy Techniques. Harvard: Harvard University Press. This essay on Family and Marriage Therapy was written and submitted by user Harmony W. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Road to Brown essays

Road to Brown essays The Road to Brown was lead by a man named Charles Houston. Houston devoted his entire life to try and get equal treatment for blacks. But in order to begin the road to equality, a previous decision, Plessy v. Ferguson, which gave the separate but equal clause, had to be overturned. This was eventually accomplished in the Supreme Court decision of Brown v. the Board of Education. Brown v. the Board of Education was the result of many court decisions and developments in Civil Rights prior to 1954. Many developments in the area of Civil Rights helped contribute to the end of separate but equal. In 1947 Jackie Robinson integrated baseball by becoming the first black to play in the major league. An African-American was now a part of Americas pastime. Another development in Civil Rights was the creation of the Fair Employment Practices Commission, which was created to discourage employment based on race. This was the first large-scale government action on equal rights. Another government action to improve equal rights was the desegregation of the Army ordered by President Truman in 1948. With developments like these, many blacks began to see equality on the horizon. There was a lot of legal groundwork that was laid before the decision of Brown v. the Board of Education was made. Charles Houston and the law students he trained laid this legal groundwork. Houston, after seeing first hand the treatment of black soldiers by whites in World War I, decided to devote his life to fighting for equal treatment for blacks. He knew the fight had to be done legally, so he went to law school and became a lawyer. Houston decided to target education because the discrimination in schools was symbolic of the discrimination found in other parts of life. First, Houston and the NAACP made a movie about the schools in South Carolina, which showed that blacks schools were not equal to white&ap...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mass Media and Its Influence on Public Opinion Essay

Mass Media and Its Influence on Public Opinion - Essay Example This project analyzes how mass media manages to both observe and influence public opinion as it relates to consumer-based and politically-based advertising. Mass Media Industry Social changes occurring across the world have radically changed how information sources are utilized for learning, entertainment, and knowledge-sharing. Social-based technologies, such as MySpace, YouTube and Facebook are now considered to be moving into the social mainstream, thus providing an excellent opportunity for opinion leaders to spread their personalized messages. â€Å"Wherever people are online, they are actively engaged in a wide variety of social media platforms, from blogs to social networking to video sharing† (Smith, 2009, p.559). Social media over the Internet is a significant revolution from traditional information sources such as newspaper and television as it relates to lifestyle and allows for evolution of thought from a variety of demographics. This is why this form of media is b ecoming more and more valuable to opinion leaders as it maintains the ability to reach a wide variety of consumers to present different advertising schemes and concepts. The content of messages now have changed with the use of mass media when considering social media outlets as it no longer has to be targeted to just one specific demographic, such as newspapers like the Wall Street Journal which is targeted to those who invest in stocks and bonds. It can be directed toward a global community, as a means to influence and persuade others to accept a particular advertising message. The electronic format of this type of media also allows for rapid changing of the message by the opinion leaders as a means to shift delivery in the event of changing social needs or beliefs across the world. In order to explore the issue more effectively, one should take into consideration the concepts of advertising in order to better understand the observational methods of those delivering the advertising content over mass media sources and how it manages to influence opinion of the community. Marketers have a strategy to ensure competitiveness of their products and also to maintain a competitive edge over other businesses that sell similar products or concepts and services. This strategy is referred to as positioning, which is â€Å"owning a place in the mind of a consumer. By understanding how a mind works, marketers can use it to their advantage and successfully drive demand for their products† (Trout, 2008, p.2). Marketers understand that there must be some element about their products or advertising strategy that is unique to all other competition and they rely on the ability to persuade consumers to accept and adopt their intended messaging. They do this by relating information to the individual’s lifestyle and then select a particular, very biased message that will be delivered to their specific target group. Now that the fundamentals of advertising messaging ha ve been understand as it relates to changing the mind-set of buyers, it can be explored how observation and influence occur as a product of this advertising strategy. In earlier years, marketers used traditional forms of mass media to deliver a singular, streamlined message that was not easily transformed or updated as it was generally in print. Today, with concentrated growth in the Internet, public opinion leaders can now create new,