Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Problem Of Knowledge An Internal State Or An...

Knowledge can exists as either an internal state or an external reality. It is classified as information, skill and facts which are acquired through various experiences and allow us to have a theoretical understanding of something, however, it can also be an awareness gained by an experience. Producing knowledge implies to come up with new undiscovered knowledge, which can either be personal or shared knowledge. Problems are a situation or matter regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. Problems can be defined as short term or long term, universality or specific, naturally occurring or human created, therefore solutions could also either by immediate or long term. The apparent solution might possibly even†¦show more content†¦This method, which is now known as inoculation, was observed by doctors in England, around the 18th century and was therefore adopted in England and France as new knowledge to prevent the spread of the disease to some of the population was discovered. While these methods were found to cause some serious and often life-threatening smallpox infection, in 1796, an English doctor, named Edward Jenner established a much safer approach to immunising people against smallpox. He inoculated healthy people with fluid containing the cowpox virus which was a much less dangerous disease and he found that by doing so, they were more likely to be protected against the infection. He also found that this immunity could be passed from one person to another genetically. This process is what we know call vaccinations, where a killed microbe is injected into the body to stimulate the immune system. This example demonstrates how we can use science and observations of the world to produce knowledge in order to solve problems. A counterclaim for looking at a structured scientific method to produce knowledge is to look at how ‘accidental’ discoveries produce knowledge through luck and chance which solves problems that it was not intended for. An example of how knowledge can be produced through serendipity is the invention of the post-it notes. Dr Spencer Silver was working at 3M, attempting to develop a super strongShow MoreRelatedThe Key Internal And External Factors That Affect The Performance Of A Company1684 Words   |  7 Pagesunderstanding of the key internal and external factors that are affecting the performance of a company towards innovation are essential to identify the weaknesses or algid points that the organisation must consider and potentiate to be more competitive and innovative. 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